Gransden Lodge - Potton - Gransden Lodge

From CUGC Wiki
If you are pre-solo, discuss with an instructor before doing any task.
Minimum set-off height3,000 ft
Distance22 km
AirspaceStay below 5,200 ft QFE south of Gransden. Avoid the Little Gransden Glider Exclusion Zone.
BGA Ladder Points145
Suitable weather conditionswinds from south with moderate thermals or better

This task is an out and return. Do the task when winds are from the south so you are blown back towards the airfield.


Potton mast is easy to spot, the villages of Gamlingay and Potton are also easy to spot and on track.

Turn points

GRL (Gransden Lodge) 
the main hangar at Gransden Lodge
POT (Potton) 
radio mast next to a sand quarry
minimum height: 2,800 ft