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Polar, Performance, and Water Ballast

145 bytes added, 22:33, 7 January 2020
Lift and Drag Coefficients
=== A comment on dynamic pressure ===
More information is available under [[Pressure, Atmosphere and Instrumentation]].
The true air density and the true airspeed always appear together as a compound quantity \( \frac{1}{2} \rho V^2 \) which is referred to as the '''dynamic pressure''' or '''dynamic head'''.
=== Components of lift and drag coefficients ===
More information is available under [[Aerofoils and Wings]].
To proceed with the discussions, it is necessary to quote these without proof. Indeed, these formulae cannot be proven. There are complicated aerodynamic theories that derives these, however, while the success in doing so is remarkable, the theories themselves rely on rigorous assumptions and extensive modelling, so the derivations cannot really be called proofs. You are advised to understand the following as experimental correlations.