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Cycling to the Airfield

7,154 bytes added, 18:11, 2 June 2019
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=== Minimum equipment list ===
You will need:
* A '''roadworthy ''' bicycle
* A cycling helmet (strongly recommended)
* Reflective clothing and lights (white in the front, red in the rear) if you plan to travel in darkness
* Suitable shoes which you can walk in comfortably in case of a mechanical
* Other essential items which you will need at the airfield (such as your log book)
* Your mobile phone and some cash
== Know your routes ==
==== Before you return ====
Have a sandwich which is available at the club (or whatever is available if there is no sandwich). Bear in mind the return trip is of the same length and your body can be much closer to exhaustion than you think.
=== Prepare your bicycle ===
Being roadworthy is the minimum requirement of the bicycle. This means the most basic set of requirements such as having effective steering and brakes. But apart from that, you will find the following helpful:
# Keep appropriate tyre pressures. The correct pressures (plural form because the front and rear wheels should be treated differently, with the rear wheel pressure slightly higher than the front one) are determined by the type of the bicycle, dimensions of the tyres, weight of the rider, seasonality, conditions of the road surface (with the road to the airfield being worse than average "road use"), and whether the surface is dry or wet. Consult suitable cycling technical material for reference values. Generally slightly reducing the tyre pressure improves the comfort on the road leading to the airfield, but doing this will make the tyres more prone to puncture, and also make the riding take more physical effort. Don't inflate over the limits written on the tyre, especially in the summer.
# Keep your bicycle lubricated, especially the transmission. Set your shifters correctly so that the chain does not squeak or rub on things while you ride.
# Have a professional bike fit (it's money well spent) to make sure your sitting position is ergonomic on your bicycle. This is a higher requirement than being "comfortable" as there is quite a wide range of positions that you will feel comfortable in if you only try it for five minutes. Sitting in an ergonomic position will help you to save effort while cycling for long distances, and more importantly, to minimise the likelihood of injury.
=== Extra equipment that helps ===
The author has found over the past few years that the following will help to make the trip easier:
# A sat nav device (either for cycling, or your google map on your mobile phone provided you can secure it to the handlebar and the battery lasts) for the first couple of trips to help you to get to know the way.
# Clipless pedals makes cycling easier. However, before taking them onto the highway do make sure you know how to use these. Falling over on a road where the speed limit is 60mph is not fun. Besides, if you decide to use the "road" style of pedals and cleats instead of the "MTB" style, you will need to bring a pair of walking shoes with you. Flying (and driving trucks etc.) with cleats under your shoes is very hazardous, don't try.
# A water bladder eliminates the need of reaching for the water bottle every time you wish to drink water.
# A bright torch if you plan to return after sunset.
# A puncture repair kit (and knowing how to use them), which usually includes either patches or sealant or a spare tyre, and some means of inflation, either a pump or a can of compressed carbon dioxide.
# A pair of gloves just in case you need to work on the chain.
== In case of an emergency ==
Most of the times emergencies that happen during the trip can be categorised into: mechanical failures, injury, weather, and exhaustion.
=== Mechanical failures ===
This can include having a flat tyre (most common), or more serious faults such as snapped chains or failed brakes. You should not ride a bicycle that is mechanically not roadworthy: you can put yourself and other road users into danger. If you can repair the fault, do so when you are safely off the road. Otherwise, the response typically depends on whether the bicycle can be pushed or not.
The village of Toft is approximately half way between Cambridge city centre and the airfield. This can be conveniently used as a point of no return in case of a mechanical. If your bicycle can be pushed and you are not yet there, you can just push it back to Cambridge. It will be a bit of walk, but the road is flat and not very difficult. If you break down beyond this point, you should consider pushing the bike to the airfield. Usually there will be people returning to Cambridge at the end of the day and you can ask for a lift back. If there is no space for your bicycle, find somewhere on the airfield to leave it and come back for it another day.
In the very rare event that the bicycle cannot be pushed (i.e. a wheel is jammed, which the author only experienced once), you should seek help. Do not try to carry the bicycle back home yourself, otherwise you risk subsequent exhaustion. Give your friends in Cambridge a call and let someone arrange a taxi to pick you up. If all fails (such as your mobile phone runs out of battery), try your luck with passing drivers.
=== Injury ===
Do not attempt to cycle after an injury. If the cause is anything but the most trivial kind of falling over (e.g. a collision with a motor vehicle), call for an ambulance. If you are sure that the problem is nothing more than a flesh wound, you can try to walk with your bicycle.
=== Weather ===
You should check the weather forecast before setting off. If you are caught unexpected in rain, try to determine if it is just a shower. If it will pass soon, find a shelter and wait. If this is not likely, getting wet is not the end of the world. Things to keep in mind are:
# Do everything you can to keep your mobile phone dry. If things get worse, it is your best chance to get rescue.
# Turn on your lights even if it is in the day.
# Ride at a reasonable pace and in sensible places. The road is slippery when wet, so you should avoid uneven surfaces which may cause you to fall. Do not ride too fast as your brakes may not be effective and the wheels will lock if you attempt to brake hard.
# Ride at a defensive position. You have your right to be in the middle of the road. If the motorist behind you wants to overtake you, it is his responsibility to figure it out without affecting you. If the motorist is stuck behind you for quite a while, let it be: they are not getting wet so don't worry about them. Do not ride too close to the kerb which is an invitation for motorists to overtake, which creates unnecessary hazard in rainy weather.
# If you wear glasses, do not remove them just because water gets on it and you can't see clearly: wipe it clean with your hand as frequently as it needs to be.
=== Exhaustion ===
This is always down to inadequate preparation. If you find yourself forgetting to bring food soon after you set off, buy something before you leave Cambridge. There are also shops in the villages that you will pass. Before leaving the club you should again buy some food to carry along with you. If eating does not help, stop cycling for a while and walk to let your body recover. Once you have recovered, cycle slowly and in easy gears.
If this happens all the time, it can boil down to several reasons:
# Your bicycle is abnormally tiring. You should maintain it well, get the faults repaired, or just buy a better one.
# You lack exercise. A healthy adult should not get exhausted by riding 20 km if he (she) has eaten well beforehand and drinks water regularly.
# You always carry too much weight. You will not need 20 kg of whatever you have got in your backpack at the airfield. If you are transporting equipment, you should not be cycling.