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Welcome and Introductory Information

1,512 bytes added, 10:10, 5 April 2019
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Hooray! You're finally going flying. There are a few important things to remember.
'''What to bring:''' This might sound obvious, but might be useful.
:'''In winterWinter: ''' Warm clothes, gloves, warm hat, sunglasses, waterproof shoes. ''Always'' bring an extra layer than what you think you'll need. Airfields are cold places and you can't fly well if you're cold.:'''In Summer:''' Sunglasses, sun-hat (if you have one), suncream and plenty of water.:Plenty of food and drink. There are usually sandwiches at the club, but you can't rely on it. Make sure that you have organised transport and know where to meet / directions to the airfield so you can be there on time for 08:45 (or 12/13:30 if it's a PM slot). Make sure that you have money on your account and know your membership number. ===At the Airfield=== Once you're there, introduce yourself to people. Find your instructor and let them know that you're a new member. They should give you a safety introduction and let you know whats going on. The first thing we do is unpack the hangar and check the gliders and equipment. This usually happens until around 09:30 when there can is a briefing with everyone. After that, the gliders are towed out to the launch point and then we go flying! Try to help out, but make sure people know that you're new and don't do anything you're not comfortable with. You'll soon learn how to do stuff. Once all the gliders are at the launch point, we start flying. You'll usually take it in turns to fly with your instructor with the other person booked in for that session. When you're not flying, there are plenty of jobs to do on the ground. These include moving gliders around, collecting winch cables and launching the gliders. Again, ask people what they're doing and how you can help - they'll appreciate it.
- Make sure you have money on your acct and know your membership number.