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Pressure, Atmosphere and Instrumentation

8,492 bytes added, 21:44, 18 October 2020
The International Standard Atmosphere: fix typo
Note that the velocity is measured in an aeroplane frame of reference so we can treat the problem as flow going around the aeroplane which makes things simpler. If the frame of reference is changed in this way, even the air above the United States can come at you at a velocity \(V\) depending on how fast you fly, so the author is just half joking when the above example is made.
The pressure coefficient is non-dimensional: it is a pressure divided by a pressure so no unit emerge from this algebra. However, if the flying speed is kept constant, i.e. the denominator is kept constant, the pressure coefficient is a representation of \(p_A\) given that the pressure in United States (\(p_{\infty}\)) does not depend on the way you fly. If \(C_p\) increases, it means \(p_A\) is higher.
The maximum possible value of \(C_p\) is unity, which corresponds to stagnating the flow. If all the kinetic energy has been transformed into pressure potential, there is nothing else whatsoever we can do to increase the flow pressure further (with the exception of adding some work by mechanical means, which we shall not consider). There is, in theory, no minimum value pf \(C_p\), so long as \(p_A\) is above zero.
=== How to measure pressure ===
A '''pitot tube''' is a device used to measure total pressure. It works by pointing a bent tube directly into flow so that the flow is brought to a rest when the a bend or a capsule is reached (i.e. stagnated). As a result, the static pressure raises to the total pressure value of the free stream. A pitot tube is usually found at the nose of an aeroplane (e.g. the K-21s), but it can be elsewhere. There are designs where the pitot tube sticks out of the vertical stabliser (the fin) or on the side of the fuselage.
A '''static port''' is used to measure static pressure. This port must be located on an aeroplane where the pressure coefficient is zero. In addition, it needs to be perpendicular to the flow so that no dynamic pressure is converted into static pressure by the slowing down of the flow. On an aeroplane a static port (a small hole) is usually found on the side of the fuselage. You can ask an instructor to show you where this is.
The difference between the pitot tube reading and the static port reading is the dynamic pressure.
Note that there are restrictions on both of these regarding the relative direction with respect to the flow. Given that most of the times an aeroplane flies straight and level, the designers will use this attitude to design the The pitot tube and the static portare designed to function correctly when the aeroplane is flying unaccelerated with zero yaw and small angle of attack. If a significant amount of yaw is present, or if the angle of attack is extreme (such as when an aeroplane is stalledor flying inverted), these pressure readings will be unreliable. In case of intentional inverted flight, additional devices may be fitted to the pitot tube to improve the accuracy.
For reasons that should be obvious by now, it is important that the pitot tube and the static port are not blocked. This should be a part of the daily inspection of an aeroplane. Furthermore, there is a chance that the pitot tube may ice up in flight, for example, if the aeroplane is flown in rain at low temperatures.
In the simplified model, it is assumed that the density of air is a constant. The Equation of State clearly says otherwise: density depends on pressure and pressure depends on density. Here we run into a problem and the problem can no longer be solved by simple algebra: the powerful mathematical tool of calculus must be used.
Even this is under the assumption that the temperature is a constant. The additional complexity is that the temperature in the atmosphere varies greatly, and you can feel this quite easily by climbing onto a hill and note the temperature drop (just make sure you use a thermometer instead of feeling, to isolate the effect of windchill). At low altitudesbefore the cloud base is reached, as a rule of thumb, the temperature will reduce by 0.6°C 3°C for every 100 meters1000 feet' raise s rise of altitude. This is known as the dry adiabatic lapse rate.
The temperature of the air greatly depends on the heat transfer between the ground and the air: it is the ground that absorbs the radiation from the sun and heats up, the air is transparent so the absorptivity is quite low in the visible spectrum. Generally, the higher the altitude, the less heat the air will get from the ground, and, as a result, the air will become cooler. This applies until the tropopause is reached, beyond which the temperature ceases to decrease and, in fact, starts to increase again at higher altitudes. Gliders almost never reach the tropopause, so we can ignore this complexity.
This section sounds rather pessimistic, but the purpose is to demonstrate that there is no easy way to model the pressure and temperature distribution in the atmosphere accurately.
=== The International Standard Atmosphere ===
The '''International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)''' is a '''model''' for the atmosphere widely used in aviation. It is established based on extensive observations. It is not meant to be exact as the atmospheric conditions can vary actively (especially at low altitudes, knows known as weather). Also, the temperature in the atmosphere at low levels is subject to seasonality as we well understand. Despite these factors, the ISA is a good model and perhaps the most acceptable one to be used if some aviation equipment is to be designed.
The modelling approach of the ISA is to divide the atmosphere into several layers, within each layer the static temperature is assumed to vary linearly. If \(T\) is known, it is then possible to use the theories as described before to solve for the density and the static pressure simultaneously.
An '''air speed indicator (ASI)''' is used to measure the '''airspeed''' of an aeroplane. The airspeed measured from an ASI is known as "'''indicated airspeed'''".
==== Air speed Airspeed vs. ground speed ====
Airspeed is the aeroplane's speed relative to the surrounding air (contrasted with '''ground speed''', which is the speed relative to the ground). The reason air speed airspeed can differ from ground speed is because the air itself can move, known as wind. If you fly at an airspeed of 40kts directly into a 40kts headwind, your ground speed will be zero, i.e. looking from the ground you will not be moving. This is because you move forward relative to the surrounding air, but the air is itself moving backwards relative to the ground, so the two effects cancel each other.
==== Function ====
Most of the times the instrument designers are not completely stupid, so the constant density hard coded into the ASI is not a random number. It is actually the average density of air at sea level, which the airfields and airports are usually not far away from. Therefore, at low levels where the density is quite close to the sea level density, the ASI is reasonably accurate. The problem most commonly arises when aeroplanes are flown at high altitudes: as we have discussed in the atmosphere section, the density of the air decreases with altitude. Therefore, the higher the altitude, the larger the difference between the IAS and the TAS. For example, a jet airliner that operates at FL360 can read an IAS of 280kts, but the TAS is actually around 450kts. For flying in wave lift which can take a glider to high altitudes, this is an important point to understand: you will travel faster than the ASI tells you.
A rule of thumb for calculating TAS corrections is, for every 1000ft above mean sea level, the TAS is 2% higher than the IAS. For example, if you fly at QNH 5000ft, your TAS will be 10% higher than your IAS. ==== Stall speed , performance airspeed and \(V_{NE}\) ====
Just like the altimeter, it is possible to correct for the density variations with altitude in an ASI, but this is not done for a very important reason: the stall speed (\(V_S\)).
'''An aeroplane stalls when a critical angle of attack is reached ''' (''See also: [[Aerofoils and Wings]]''). There is a one to one mapping between the angle of attack (\(\alpha\)) and the lift coefficient (\(C_L\)), which is defined as:
\[C_L=\frac{L}{\frac{1}{2} \rho V^2 A} =f(\alpha)\]
*\(L\) is the lift force, usually equal to the weight of the aeroplanewhen flying unaccelerated*\(A\) is the wing area, which is fixedunless devices such as flaps are in the process of deployment
*Note that \(\frac{1}{2} \rho V^2\) is the dynamic pressure
If the angle of attack is to reach a critical value, the lift coefficient is also to reach a critical value. Because the weight of the aeroplane (equal to the lift) and the size of the wings are fixed, we conclude that the aeroplane needs a minimum amount of dynamic pressure to fly: any less and the aeroplane stalls. This amount depends on the cockpit weight which is significant for a glider.
Recall that an ASI actually measures the dynamic pressure, so we it can mark a critical value (this marking is best fixed) on be used to indicate the ASI at which point the aeroplane stallsof stall, known as the stall speedi.e. It it is '''very important''' possible on each occasion to understand that calculate the aeroplane stalls at a critical dynamic pressureand mark its value on the ASI. In practice the markings on the ASI are typically based on the maximum all-up weight.
We want this stall speed to be a well defined value that the pilot can easily compare a cockpit reading to. In other words, the stall speed should be a function of the critical dynamic pressure and nothing else. Therefore, the stall speed defined for an aeroplane is an indicated airspeed. If the ASI does not correct for the density variations and read the IAS all the time, the pilot can conveniently compare his flying to the stall speed. In other words, the ASI shows the stall margin correctly.
Note that the reasoning above applies to other flying conditions apart from stalling: the mapping between the angle of attack to a wide range of aerodynamic performances is one to one. Therefore, other speeds such as the speed of minimum sink (best glide) are also best defined as indicated airspeeds. In other words, the '''polar''' of the glider is invariant when expressed in terms of IAS. It, therefore, makes a lot of sense that the aeroplane keeps track of its indicated airspeed even if, with the aid of modern computers, calculating the TAS is a piece of cake. On larger aeroplanes with sophisticated avionics, the TAS is displayed real-time for navigational reference.
However, the never exceed speed (\(V_{NE}\)) has nothing to do with angle of attack or dynamic pressure: it is the speed that, when exceeded, the aeroplane may fail structurally. The failure of an airframe is dominated by aeroelastic effects, the most notable one being the flutter of the wings (there are videos on YouTube that shows this phenomenon). These horrible things occur when the '''TAS''' reaches a critical value. Recall that, at high altitudes, the TAS is higher than the IAS. Therefore, as you fly higher, '''your \(V_{NE}\), expressed in terms of IAS, will reduce.''' Failing to understand this can lead to serious consequences of overspeeding.
The point where the stall speed (IAS) corresponds to the never exceed speed (TAS) because of a decrease of density gives the theoretical ceiling. This is the theoretical maximum altitude at which the aeroplane can fly. If you fly at this altitude, you must fly at this speed precisely, or you will either stall or overspeed.
The Lockheed U-2, which flies at very high altitudes, have very notable problems when the ceiling is reached. For a U-2 in cruise, the difference between the stall speed and the never exceed speed is less than 10 knots apart on the ASI. This calls for very accurate handling by the pilot. The same applies to glider pilots who wish to fly at high altitudes: you must remember that the airspeed window in which you can fly is reduced, and, by flying higher, the red mark on the ASI must gradually move inwards. Such a feature is available on a jet airliner in the 1960s: there is a \(V_{NE}\) flag on the ASI which is driven by the air data computer.
=== Altimeter ===
==== Function ====An altimeter is an instrument that displays the vertical distance between the aeroplane and a reference datum, which is defined by the sub-scale setting on the altimeter. An altimeter is a compensated instrument, which means the density variation in the atmosphere is automatically corrected for. An altimeter, therefore, gives reliable readings at all altitudes with the exception of readings very close to zero, in which regime the absolute errors become significant. An altimeter needs to be read in the same way as a clock: ask an instructor to demonstrate this if you are not fluent at this. Altimeters come with 100ft and 1000ft hands, and most of them found in gliders also have 10000ft hands.
==== Setting ====
A datum level must be defined for the altimeter, and it is important to remember at all times that the altimeter reading is relative to the datum '''you''' the pilot have chosen. Depending on the situation in flight, the datum used may or may not be helpful.
Three settings are relevant to general aviation, they are QFE, QNH, and STD respectively.
QFE means the datum level is at airfield elevation. In this setting, the altimeter reads zero on the ground at the airfield where it flies from. In local circuit training and local soaring, the QFE is normally used. However, when the terrain surrounding the airfield is not level, the QFE setting does not guarantee a correct indication of the height above the ground. QFE is also useless if a circuit and land is planned at locations other than the home airfield, which is the reason you must be comfortable to circuit and land without reference to the altimeter. In addition, if a very long soaring flight is being made, the QFE levels at the take off time and the landing time can be different.
QNH means the datum level is at the mean sea level. This is a useful setting for cross country flights, because all the altitude values given on a chart are above mean sea level (with some exceptions such as obstacles above the ground, in which case a height above the ground is also quoted). It is possible to circuit, approach and land with QNH, which power pilots do (their standard instrumental terminal procedures involve checkpoints with altitudes prescribed in QNH), but the usefulness is limited in gliding as all operations are supposed to be under visual flight rules, and visual approaches rely little on knowing the absolute height above the ground.
STD is the setting where the sub-scale is adjusted to 1013hpa or 29.92in Hg. This setting shows flight levels. For example, FL55 is 5500ft when the altimeter is at the STD setting. This is useful if navigating at great altitudes or if attempting to avoid airspace.
=== Vertical speed indicator (power) ===
\[ C_{pX} = -1 \]
This is a remarkable result. This implies that if we can monitor the pressure at a location X on the aeroplane such that \( C_{pX} = -1 \), we can track the total mechanical energy change of the aeroplane. This is the fundamental working principle of a "total energy compensated variometer". When a "variometer" is installed on a glider, this is known without ambiguity it usually refers to a compensated instrument as the '''variometer'''described above, although other types of compensation that shows other quantities of interest are available.
==== How to measure total energy ====
As outlined above, the problem of total energy compensation boils down to the problem of finding a location on the aeroplane where the pressure coefficient is -1. This is, however, not easy. We can get around this problem by designing a device which '''produces''' this pressure coefficient, just like a pitot tube is designed to produce a pressure coefficient of +1. This device is known as a total energy tube or total energy probe. There are mainly two kinds of architectures: the Venturi type (found on HTV) and the cylindrical type (found on KFY, JEC, PZ, and some other gliders at GRL).
[[File:venturi_tube.png|200px|thumb|right|Schematic of a Venturi tube]] On the right is a schematic drawing of a Venturi tube<ref></ref>. In order not to bore the reader, the detailed mathematics is not shown here, but for this to work, the required area ratio is: \[ \frac{A_2}{A_1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \] Measuring the pressure at point 1 (\(p_1\)) and point 2 (\(p_2\)) and subtract them, \(p_2-p_1\) gives a pressure coefficient of -1. In reality, the area ratio needs to be slightly different to correct for viscous effects which is not included in the derivation. A variant of this type of total energy tube, namely the Orifice type, is also suitable and probably easier to manufacture. The drawback of a Venturi in measuring the total energy is that it is not tolerant to yaw. Most of the time when the total energy will be of interest is when the glider is soaring, and continuous turning is usually included in this process. If the glider has some yaw, the air will not enter the Venturi in the correct direction but it needs to turn a bit. This changes the pressure in the Venturi and leads to unreliable readings. A more benign design is the cylinder type. [[File:cylinder_total_energy_tube.png|200px|thumb|right|Schematic of a cylindrical total energy tube]] A schematic drawing of a cylindrical type of total energy tube is also presented<ref></ref>. These resemble closely the total energy tubes found on gliders today. The working principle of these tubes is not trivial and a theoretical approach to the design of these is not available to the author's knowledge. Qualitatively, these rely on the low pressure found in the wake behind the cylinder created by the separation of the boundary layer. In 1976 NASA did extensive experiments on these devices and the optimal geometry was found and presented in the Technical Memorandum X-73928<ref></ref>.
=== Variometer (gliders) ===
You hopefully have realised from the discussions above that a variometer on a glider is not different from a vertical speed indicator on a powered aeroplane. Indeed, the instrument themselves are identical, the only difference is that a gliding variometer has its input connected to the total energy probe. In this way, the variometer tracks the change of the total energy of a glider rather than the change of altitude solely. "Stick thermals" are thus suppressed and a reliable indication of the natural lift in the atmosphere becomes available.
On a glider, normally two variometers are fitted. There is a mechanical one and an electronic one. The mechanical one does not require battery power to function, so it is operational even if the battery goes flat, which is a possibility in a very long decent soaring day. The disadvantages being:
#A mechanical variometer is usually quite sluggish in its response: it can take several seconds before the actual change of trend is accurately displayed, during which time there is a good chance that the glider has flown beyond the best bit of a thermal.
#You need to actually look at the variometer to get a reading. While this is not a huge problem in normal flight because most of the instruments you have to look at to read, due to the special interest of the variometer reading in a soaring flight, pilots can very easily get so distracted that their lookout significantly deteriorates.
It is not acceptable under any circumstance (with perhaps the exception of flying under IFR, which a glider does not normally do) to cease to look out properly and direct too much attention on the instruments, otherwise the flying safety is at stake. To help the glider pilots to read the variometer without directing the attention to the panel, electronic variometers can be introduced. These are more responsive and they sound an audible tone whose pitch depends on the variometer reading. Normally a continuous tone indicates the total energy is decreasing, while a discontinuous beep means the total energy is increasing.
=== Final remarks ===
All aviation instruments are precision instruments. While they are normally very reliable, it is important to check their functionality regularly and certainly check for obvious damage before each take-off. Pressure instruments must be airtight, otherwise they will cease to function accurately (or may not function at all). It is, therefore, unacceptable to launch with instruments with broken glasses. When getting into and out of a glider, make sure you pay due attention not to damage the instruments by kicking the instrument panel or allow the metal buckles on your parachute to swing around.