→Learning Aerobatics at CGC
Have a chat to an instructor if you want a demo of some basic manoeuvres, such as [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwe0duJZzgI these].
Throughout the winter, CGC offers aerobatic training slots every Saturday. These can be booked in the usual way on the booking system, putting your name down with 'AEROBATIC INSTRUCTOR'. Martin Whitehead and Graham Spelman usually take it in turns to instruct - if Graham is going out he is usually happy to give lifts. Just like training to be solo there is a aerobatics syllabus to get each badge, with each manoeuvre ticked off in turn. Once you have all the moves ticked off, you fly a demonstration flight solo where the instructor watches you from the ground. If satisfactory, they will sign you off for your badge. For the first badge, this should take around 5 flights.
You don't have to be solo to do aerobatic training, but you do have to be experienced enough to have good control over the glider in normal flight.