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Revision as of 18:54, 20 April 2022 by Webmaster (talk | contribs) (Current Committee)
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The committee is elected each year at the AGM, usually in May. Potential candidates should express interest in advance to the member currently holding the role in order to learn more about it.


Committee Roles

Ordered by estimated workload.

Ensures the smooth running of the club, chairs club meetings and represents CUGC at Cambridge Gliding Centre (Gransden) meetings and at other gliding organisations. Is responsible for ensuring that other committee members are doing their jobs, and for completing any random tasks that may come up.
Vice President (can be substituted with co-presidents)
Supports the president on special tasks. Helps organise trial flights. Can attend CGC committee meetings on the presidents behalf.
Manages CUGC's accounts and grant applications.
Manages club membership. Works closely with the president and treasurer. Responsible for ticketing for trial flight events.
Captain (can be co-captains)
Responsible organising expeditions and competitions (including the Varsity match). Must have Bronze badge or above.
Equipment Officer
Ensures that our glider (CU) and its associated equipment are properly maintained, along with the relevant documentation. Great if you want to learn more about what goes into owning and maintaining a glider. Responsible for organising annual maintenance.
Social Secretary
Organises social events such as formals, pub meets and the annual dinner. Partly responsible for keeping Facebook page updated. A good role for someone who is unable to commit much time, but a really important role to be filled!
Flying Coordinator
Responsible for organising instructors and booking aircraft for trial flights and winter flying days. Works closely with president and secretary.
Manages the website, wiki and club email addresses. Requires a reasonable level of technical competency.
Welfare Officer
Looks out for members' welfare.
Safety Officer
A sports club mandated role. Liaises with the CGC safety officer. A small role.
Ordinary Member
Perfect if you want to be involved with major decisions and help out when you can. This is a zero commitment role as we appreciate some people want to help but can’t commit to anything.

Committee History

Current Committee

Position Member College CRSid
President Harvey Logan Jesus hvrl2
Vice President Charlie Brooker Queens' cb2027
Treasurer Una Xu Newnham qx227
Secretary Flavio Salvati Queens' fs483
Captain Charlie Brooker Queens' cb2027
Flying Coordinator Isaac Dai Trinity ld560
Equipment Officer Matthew Wang Christ's tw463
Webmaster Koji Shukawa St John's ks925
Social Secretary Koji Shukawa St John's ks925
Welfare Officer Peter Coppola Fitzwilliam pc605
Alumni Officer Koji Shukawa St John's ks925
Senior Treasurer Prof Malte Grosche Trinity fmg12

2020 - 2021

Position Member College CRSid
President Charlie Brooker Queens' cb2027
Treasurer Eleanor Lim Darwin yel24
Secretary Harvey Logan Jesus hvrl2
Co-Captain Eszter Olah Newnham ero24
Co-Captain Charlie Brooker Queens' cb2027
Flying Coordinator Isaac Dai Trinity ld560
Equipment Officer Matthew Wang Christ's tw463
Webmaster Martin Gazo Trinity mg816
Social Secretary Eszter Olah Newnham ero24
Welfare Officer Harvey Logan Jesus hvrl2
Senior Treasurer Prof Malte Grosche Trinity fmg12

2019 - 2020

Position Member College CRSid
President Eszter Olah Newnham ero24
Vice President Chris Barrott Downing cjb259
Treasurer Eleanor Lim Darwin yel24
Secretary Jasmine Shao Selwyn rs966
Captain Charlie Brooker Queens' cb2027
Flying Coordinator Isaac Dai Trinity ld560
Equipment Officer Chris Barrott Downing cjb259
Webmaster Martin Gazo Trinity mg816
Social Secretary Charlie Brooker Queens' cb2027
Welfare Officer Hugh Hudson Magdalene hch28
Alumni Relations Officer Hayk Saribekyan St John's hs586
Senior Treasurer Prof Malte Grosche Trinity fmg12

2018 - 2019

Position Member College CRSid
President Chris Barrott Downing cjb259
Treasurer Eleanor Lim Darwin yel24
Secretary Eszter Olah Newnham ero24
Captain Nathanael West Churchill rnw29
Flying Coordinator Hayk Saribekyan St John's hs586
Equipment Officer Bonan Zhu Queens' bz240
Webmaster Timo Wilken St Catharine's tw466
Social Secretary Xuezi Ma Queens' xm241
Welfare Officer Raymond Xu Robinson lx242
Senior Treasurer Dr Malte Grosche Trinity fmg12

2017 - 2018

Position Member College CRSid
Chairman Chris Barrott Downing cjb259
Treasurer Matthis Lehmkuehler Girton ml728
Secretary Vikramaditya Giri Trinity vg295
Captain Nathanael West Churchill rnw29
Equipment Officer Bonan Zhu Queens' bz240
Webmaster Matthis Lehmkuehler Girton ml728
Social Secretary Preeyan Parmar Trinity pp324
Senior Treasurer Dr Malte Grosche Trinity fmg12

2016 - 2017

Position Member College CRSid
Chairman Vikram Giri Trinity vg295
Treasurer Matthis Lehmkuehler Girton ml728
Secretary Richard Ladley St John's rgl31
Captain Nathanael West Churchill rnw29
Equipment Officer Tomasz Cebo St Edmund's tc377
Webmaster Matthis Lehmkuehler Girton ml728
Social Secretary Vikram Giri Trinity vg295
Senior Treasurer Dr Malte Grosche Trinity fmg12

2015 - 2016

Position Member College CRSid
Chairman Richard Ladley St John's rgl31
Treasurer Stella Lau Trinity sl715
Secretary Vikram Giri Trinity vg295
Captain Joe Roberts Selwyn jr592
Equipment Officer Joe Roberts Selwyn jr592
Senior Treasurer Dr Malte Grosche Trinity fmg12

2014 - 2015

Position Member College CRSid
Chairman Richard Ladley St John's rgl31
Treasurer Woody Bu Homerton zb234
Secretary Joe Roberts Selwyn jr592
Captain Joe Roberts Selwyn jr592
Social Secretary Monique van-Beek Lucy Cavendish mv336
Flying Coordinator Tim Puchtler Corpus Christi tjp39
Equipment Officer Malcolm Morgan Girton mem48
Senior Treasurer Dr Peter O'Donald Emmanuel pod1

2013 - 2014

Position Member College CRSid
Chairman Keshav Thirumalai Jesus kt358
Treasurer Siqi Ding Newnham sd574
Secretary Jonathan Carr Emmanuel jcc68
Captain Joe Roberts Selwyn jr592
Social Secretary Monique van-Beek (unknown) mv336
Flying Coordinator Tim Puchtler (unknown) tjp39
Equipment Officer Malcolm Morgan Girton mem48
Senior Treasurer Dr Peter O'Donald Emmanuel pod1

2012 - 2013

Position Member College CRSid
Chairman Iain Butler Fitzwilliam ib312
Treasurer Caspian Merlin St Catharine's chpm2
Secretary Deepak Venkateshvaran Fitzwilliam dv246
Captain Malcolm Morgan Girton mem48
Social Secretary Keshav Thirumalai Jesus kt358
Flying Coordinator Jonathan Carr Emmanuel jcc68
Ordinary Member Graham Spelman Fitzwilliam gms41
Ordinary Member Philippa Bell Queens' pgr22
Senior Treasurer Dr Peter O'Donald Emmanuel pod1