The club regularly goes on expeditions around the country to experience different flying conditions. Many sites we go to have large ridges that give consistent lift for the whole of our stay. We usually go for a week about 3 times a year, taking our own single seater and an instructor with us.
Expeditions are open to members of all levels including complete beginners.
We usually travel to another club together in a group of 5–10 students plus instructors, and stay on or near the airfield depending on whether they have accommodation.
While at the airfield we get as much flying as possible, both instructed flying and solo flying are available. Many people find the intensity of flying on an expedition allows them to progress much faster than they normally would.
Depending on the airfield we either cook for ourselves or eat at the canteen.
Expeditions are run three times per year, in the Michaelmas, Lent and Summer holidays. Specific dates are announced before the expedition.
Expeditions last about 1 week, but you do not have to attend for the whole week.
We usually go to ridge and wave sites, as we don't have a those kinds of lift in Cambridge. Previous sites have included:
- Skelling Farm (Eden Soaring) – here is a video of a previous CUGC trip to Eden Soaring.
- Portmoak
- Long Mynd
- Nympsfield
- Sutton Bank
- Challock
Total costs for an expedition may be £100–£200, but varies significantly depending on how much you fly, where the expedition is and choices you make regarding travel, food, and accommodation.
Flying costs vary from club to club, but are usually the same as or less than they are at Gransden Lodge. Some clubs charge a reciprocal membership fee of around £5 per day you fly.
Accommodation at gliding clubs is usually very affordable at around £15 per night, but varies from club to club, food is similarly affordable.
Expedition guide
Things everybody should bring
- warm/waterproof clothes, jeans are not good
- clothes for warm weather
- jumper
- waterproof, durable shoes or walking boots
- scarf
- hat that coveres your ears
- gloves, warm and waterproof
- sleeping bag – some sites supply bed linens for a fee
- towel
- wash bag
- pilot's log book & CGC progress card
- cash and cheque book or card
- sun cream
- sunglasses
- sun hat (with small brim)
- medication / first aid that you require
- entertainment (or work) for scrub days
Things for more experienced pilots
- medical
- Camelbak or drinking bottle
- badge claim forms
- airspace map (UK half-million aviation map)
- pee bags or bladder control system
Equipment to bring if CU is being taken
- glider/trailer (note: LED lights on a trailer don't work with some older cars' indicator mechanisms)
- loggers
- parachute
- insurance, ARC, CofA documentation
- batteries and chargers
- Vertica, charger, holder and adapter
- ballast weights
- MicroSD card